Jual Butterfly Check Valve with Counterweight & Oil Cylinder (Flanged PN 10)
Untuk ukuran besar, bisa digunakan gear / motor listrik (Merk: AUMO / Rotork)
Merk: Valvotubi (Italy) & Western (Asia).
Kunjungi Website kami: www.suppliervalve.com
Flange: UNI EN 1092-2 PN 10
Face to face length: EN 558-1, serie 14. DIN 3202 F4
Installation: horizontal / vertical with down-up flow direction.
APPLICATIONS ° Water supply ° Drinking water ° Irrigation plants ° Reservoirs ° Dams ° Pumping stations
Epoxy paiting suitable for drinking water applications. Materials
body - disc: ductile iron GGG50, EN-GJS-500
disc seat ring: NBR + stainless steel 304
O ring: NBR
counterweight and lever: steel + iron
cylinder: steel
hinge pins: stainless steel X 20 CR 13
painting: epoxy 250 mcr min.